This website provides published scientific information about the possibilities to use Photobiomodulation Therapy for an effective treatment of Covid 19 and long covid diseases
Since the sixties of last century Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT, in the past also called Low Level Laser Therapy) is discovered as an effective treatment for several diseases. PBMT brings by medical lasers or led devices, red and near infrared light into the body. The cells of the treated part of the body are stimulated and strengthened by the light. The so called ATP level (the energy level of the cell) increases and several positive healing effects are activated. There are no side effects of PBMT. An important effect of PBMT is the decrease of inflammation.
Thousands of (clinical and experimental) studies have been executed in the last decades and thousands of scientific articles have been published in magazines and books. PBMT for lung diseases (including pneumonia) were part of these studies. Since March 2020 there are a lot scientific articles published about the potential of PBMT for an effective treatment of patients with Covid 19.
And very positive first clinical trials were executed. In a clinical trial in the USA executed by Dr. Scott Sigman and others, the researchers concluded: "PBMT-treated patients showed rapid recovery, did not require ICU admission or mechanical ventilation, and reported no long-term sequelae at 5 months after treatment. In the control group, 60% of patients were admitted to the ICU for mechanical ventilation. The control group had an overall mortality of 40%. At a 5-month follow-up, 40% of the control group experienced long-term sequelae". Conclusion of the researchers is that PBMT is a safe and effective potential treatment for COVID-19 pneumonia and improves clinical status in COVID-19 pneumonia".
In another clinical trial in the USA 50 patients with Covid 19 were treated with PBMT. The results: "Therapeutic outcomes observed include significant reductions in the duration and severity of disease symptoms. Acute conditions including fever, body aches, and respiratory distress comprising paroxysmal coughing; lung congestion, dyspnea and hypoxia; sinus congestion; acute eye inflammation; and extreme malaise were eliminated in 41/50 patients within 4-days of commencing PBM treatments with 50/50 patients fully recovering within three-weeks with no supplemental oxygen requirements".
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial in Iran with 52 light to moderate Covid-19 patients (published in Juli 2022) 26 patients were treated with PBMT (26 were the control group) to research the development of the so called cytokines after treatment with PBMT. These cytokines are playing an important negative role in the pulmanory inflammation and the severe lung damage in Covid-19 disease. The researchers concluded after their trial: "In conclusion, the major cytokines in COVID-19 pathophysiology, including IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-a, are significantly improved by Photobiomodulation, as is the IL-6/IL10 ratio. Further studies with longer duration, larger number of patients and in patients with more severe forms of the disease are now needed to confirm our promising results".
Other clinical trials were executed in Brazil, Mexico and other countries. All trials can be found on this website.
PBMT can be used in every stage of Covid 19 disease. Also in the stage that intensive care is required. But also much earlier after infection with the coronavirus to prevent the development of severe Covid 19 disease. Or for the treatment of the long term effects and diseases of Covid 19, the so called long covid. The newest publications about clinical trials and researches, are about long covid diseases. These remarks are supported by the scientific research you can find on this website.
This website provides the links to most published scientific publications about the very important possibilities of PBMT for the treatment of Covid 19 adn long covid diseases. It may be possible that a relevant publication isn't found by us.
This website also provides links to general scientific and practical information about the background and fundamentals of PBMT. These links are only a small part of the thousands of publications that are produced the last 60 years on PBMT and therefore only provide a first general impression of PBMT.
For the fight against the coronavirus, the disease Covid-19 (including long covid diseases), it is of huge importance that extended and intensive clinical research is executed as soon as possible on the treatment of Covid 19 with PBMT. On the base of the results form that research, treatment of Covid 19 would be made possible worldwide. It is nothing less than totally incomprehensible that the authorities, organizations and scientists involved in the fight against Covid 19 and long covid, have not started and executed this extended and intensive clinical research yet, considering the published scientific results of PBMT for treatment of Covid 19 and the enormous impact of the coronavirus worldwide. Every chance in the fight against the coronavirus has to be tried out. PBMT is clearly such a chance!
This website provides therefore scientific information for scientists, medical practitioners and every citizen in the world to promote the very needed (clinical) research and use of PBMT for the treatment of Covid 19 and long covid diseases.
A faster and (much) more effective treatment of Covid 19 patients would be a gamechanger in the fight against Covid 19 and long covid diseases. PBMT has, according to scientific research and publications, huge potential to be such a gamechanger.